
Schie­bel Aca­demy

Customized training

Trai­ning and edu­ca­tion are essen­tial aspects when it comes to fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment. At SCHIEBEL, we attach great impor­t­ance to the deve­lo­p­ment of our employees, cus­to­mers and part­ners.
With more than 60 years of expe­ri­ence in the manu­fac­ture and deve­lo­p­ment of electric actua­tors and working as a tech­ni­cally inno­va­tive com­pany, it is important for us to ensure know­ledge trans­fer.

Training concept

In order to cover the ent­ire trai­ning spec­trum, we offer sales trai­ning and ser­vice trai­ning , which are divi­ded into Basic, Advan­ced and Expert depen­ding on the inten­sity and level of know­ledge. Our sales trai­ning cour­ses are pri­ma­rily aimed at for our sales employees and an the staff of our glo­bal sales part­ners. Our ser­vice trai­ning course are desi­gned for all our cus­to­mers. The aim here is to impart tech­ni­cal know­ledge of mecha­ni­cal and electri­cal com­pon­ents in the actua­tor, as well as offer tips and tricks for a safe and pro­blem-free ope­ra­tion of the actua­tor. We also offer cus­to­mi­sed trai­ning cour­ses, which can be freely desi­gned in terms of tar­get group, topic and time frame. Just get in touch with us and we will make you an offer. More Infor­ma­tion >>


Schie­bel Aca­demy


3 hrs

  • Basics of actua­tor tech­no­logy
  • SCHIEBEL port­fo­lio
  • Com­pe­ti­tor ana­ly­sis


5 hrs

  • Actua­tor tech­no­logy & fail­safe tech­no­logy
  • Ope­ra­ting princi­ples of electric actua­tors and fail­safe actua­tors
  • Avail­able addi­tio­nal com­pon­ents
  • Basic soft­ware opti­ons
  • Cir­cuit dia­grams and dimen­sio­nal drawings


8 hrs (1 day)

  • Func­tio­nal princi­ples of com­pon­ents and their varia­ti­ons
  • Advan­ced soft­ware opti­ons


Schie­bel Aca­demy


12 hrs (1,5 days)

  • Over­view of actua­tor types and their ope­ra­ting princi­ples
  • Setup and adjus­t­ment of all actua­tor types inclu­ding hands-on
  • First steps SMARTTOOL – SMARTTOOL Stan­dard
  • Q&A


8 hrs (1 day)

  • Over­view and details of the con­trol unit para­me­ters and their func­tions
  • Func­tio­n­a­lity and hands-on trai­ning con­trol unit
  • SMARTTOOL – SMARTTOOL Advan­ced licence
  • Q&A


12 hrs (1,5 day)

  • Error codes
  • Typi­cal mecha­ni­cal and electri­cal faults
  • Fault ana­ly­sis with SMARTTOOL Expert
  • Q&A


Our pre­sence trai­ning cour­ses offer tar­ge­ted trai­ning and include prac­ti­cal con­tent for the opti­mum ope­ra­tion of our actua­tors. Various hands-on ses­si­ons offer many trai­ning oppor­tu­nities. At the end of the trai­ning unit there is a know­ledge test with a prac­ti­cal part. Upon suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion, the par­ti­ci­pant recei­ves a cer­ti­fi­cate. Our pre­sence trai­ning cour­ses can be held eit­her directly at your com­pany or at the SCHIEBEL Com­pe­tence Centre. More Infor­ma­tion >>
  • Cour­ses at the SCHIEBEL Com­pe­tence Centre
  • Accom­mo­da­tion in 4****Hotel
  • Cate­ring and trans­fers inclu­ded
  • Com­ple­tion with cer­ti­fi­cate
  • Nume­rous prac­ti­cal exer­ci­ses

Are you interested?

Get in touch with us!

Online seminars

Know­ledge trans­fer is a top prio­rity for us, not only for our own pro­ducts and deve­lo­p­ments, but also when it comes to sharing infor­ma­tion about trends and deve­lo­p­ments on the mar­ket. In our more than 60 years of exis­tence, we have built up nume­rous com­pe­ten­ces and a large know­ledge base, which we are happy to pass on to our cus­to­mers tog­e­ther with various part­ners in the form of free pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and webi­nars. These include cur­rent and mar­ket-rele­vant topics such as actua­tor tech­no­logy in gene­ral, actua­tor tech­no­logy stan­dards and future trends such as the use hydro­gen, the future in terms of digi­ta­li­sa­tion and decar­bo­ni­sa­tion.

Are you interested?

Get in touch with us!

E-Learning concept

In order to make our trai­ning con­cept con­sis­ting of sales trai­ning and ser­vice trai­ning avail­able to our inter­na­tio­nal cus­to­mers and sales part­ners, we also offer some e-lear­ning modu­les. Our e-lear­ning modu­les include a know­ledge check and par­ti­ci­pants receive a cer­ti­fi­cate on com­ple­tion.

With our SCHIEBEL e-lear­ning plat­form at the SCHIEBEL Com­pe­tence Centre, we pro­vide you with valu­able know­ledge around the clock, 24/7, 365 days a year.

Are you interested?

Get in touch with us!