
smart & fle­xi­ble

3level concept - for the perfect actuator choice

The CM series actua­tors are the flagship models at SCHIEBEL. They were deve­lo­ped espe­cially for com­plex app­li­ca­ti­ons nee­ding high-powe­red actua­tors that require mini­mal space. With this 3 level con­cept, the cus­to­mer can design the per­fect actua­tor.

1 Basic choice

The CM series has a modu­lar design. In making the basic choice, essen­tial requi­re­ments must be defi­ned:

power sup­ply
cor­ro­sion pro­tec­tion
ambi­ent con­di­ti­ons
net­work con­nec­tion

2 Size

The CM series is avail­able in the fol­lowing sizes

CM 03 up to 32 Nm
CM 06 up to 64 Nm
CM 12 up to 125 Nm

3 Components

All sizes of CM series models can be cus­tom-expan­ded by adding various com­pon­ents.

Totally flexible


Using intel­li­gent design and high-qua­lity mate­ri­als, SCHIEBEL has rai­sed the CM Series to a whole new level in terms of lon­ge­vity and avai­la­bi­lity. The low weight and com­pact size sim­plify hand­ling and ensure that the electric actua­tors in the CM Series can put all their advan­ta­ges on full dis­play, even under cram­ped con­di­ti­ons. This gives plan­ners the lee­way they need.


SCHIEBEL now cou­ples the enor­mous fle­xi­bi­lity of the CM Series electric actua­tors with top per­for­mance. A speed ratio of 1:50 is achie­ved using a brush­less DC motor in com­bi­na­tion with a fre­quency con­ver­ter. This tech­no­logy enab­les extre­mely high actua­tor speeds while also achie­ving ultra-pre­cise con­trol to the nea­rest 0.1%. For users, this opens up new pos­si­bi­li­ties that extend far bey­ond simple ON/OFF func­tio­n­a­lity. Dyna­mic, smooth move­ments go easy on the drive and fit­tings while the highly accu­rate varia­ble-speed con­trol unit pre­desti­nes the CM Series for a large num­ber of app­li­ca­ti­ons in pro­cess auto­ma­tion.


Smart manufacturing

Of course the actua­tors in the CM Series can be net­wor­ked by means of Inter­net-based bus sys­tems. The inter­faces requi­red for this are all avail­able. With a BT app and PC soft­ware deve­lo­ped in-house, SCHIEBEL has come up with the right ans­wer to cur­rent and future ques­ti­ons rela­ting to Indus­try 4.0 and the Inter­net of Things – covering ever­ything from para­me­ter set­ting and trou­ble­shoo­ting to remote main­ten­ance.

Modular system

The CM dri­ves from SCHIEBEL are built from scratch in modu­lar design. A small num­ber of com­pon­ents, which are also iden­ti­cal across most of the size ver­si­ons, is wed here with a large num­ber of opti­ons to pro­vide cus­to­mers with pre­cisely the func­tions they need for their app­li­ca­tion, as requi­red. This means, on the one hand, maxi­mum cost-effi­ci­ency because fea­tures not nee­ded for the actual app­li­ca­tion do not have to be purcha­sed and on the other, the utmost fle­xi­bi­lity for sys­tem plan­ners and ope­ra­tors because a sub­se­quent upgrade is pos­si­ble for most of the func­tions.



One of the core areas of exper­tise and a rea­son for the suc­cess of the CM tech­no­logy thus far has been the hard­ware and soft­ware engi­nee­ring con­duc­ted in-house at SCHIEBEL. The per­fect coor­di­na­tion of hard­ware and soft­ware helps the user in set­ting para­me­ters and in hand­ling ope­ra­ti­ons. With many pro­jects beco­m­ing incre­a­singly inter­na­tio­nal in cha­rac­ter, SCHIEBEL has inte­gra­ted multi-vol­tage inputs in its CM dri­ves. This allows them to be used glo­bally without any hard­ware adap­t­ation.



Per­so­nal ser­vice, quick on-site sup­port and com­pre­hen­sive online docu­men­ta­tion ensure the trou­ble-free instal­la­tion and the safe, reli­able ope­ra­tion of all pro­ducts from SCHIEBEL.


All size ver­si­ons in the CM Series can be equip­ped with an optio­nal mecha­ni­cal spring that gua­ran­tees safe, reli­able ope­ning and clo­sing in the event of a fail­ure – even in a power outage. If the mecha­ni­cal fail-safe func­tion is employed par­al­lel to the electric drive, the stroke can be acce­le­ra­ted by as much as a fac­tor of 10 if necessary. The CM Series actua­tors the­re­fore com­bine pre­cise ope­ra­tio­nal con­trol with rapid clo­sing and ope­ning if requi­red by the pro­cess. This gua­ran­tees maxi­mum avai­la­bi­lity along with maxi­mum safety.



Their modu­lar design and high degree of fle­xi­bi­lity make the CM Series electric actua­tors the most effi­ci­ent ones in their class. The eli­mi­na­tion of other tech­no­lo­gies (hydraulics/pneumatics) and the use of electric actua­tors yield great cost savings in ope­ra­ti­ons, wareh­ousing and ser­vice.

Further info