
safe & reli­able

A successful innovation

The SCHIEBEL fail­safe tech­no­logy is based on the idea of com­bi­ning an electri­cal actua­tor with a purely mecha­ni­cal safety func­tion that ope­ra­tes inde­pendently of the power sup­ply. If the power fails, fit­tings can be put in a pre­de­fi­ned posi­tion in less than one second. It takes just a few steps to design the ideal fail­safe actua­tor.

1 Basic choice

Explo­sion Pro­tec­tion
Power Sup­ply
Cor­ro­sion Pro­tec­tion
Ambi­ent Con­di­ti­ons
Net­work Con­nec­tion

2 Size

In com­bi­na­tion with the cm series, the inno­va­tive fail­safe func­tion is avail­able for models of all sizes.

CM 03 up to 32  Nm
CM 06 up to 64  Nm
CM 12 up to 125 Nm

3 Components

Models of all sizes can be cus­tom-expan­ded by adding various com­pon­ents.

failsafe series safety function


Safety Inte­grity Level (SIL) clas­si­fi­ca­tion in accordance with IEC 61508 and relia­bi­lity are at the core of SCHIEBEL‘s net­wor­ked CM actua­tors, which are fit­ted with an optio­nal fail­safe func­tion. Thanks to their sophisti­ca­ted tech­no­logy, they also offer excel­lent pre­cision and speed con­trol. High effi­ci­ency is the hall­mark of the CM series. Low-wear and low-fric­tion thread and gear com­pon­ents ensure a long ser­vice life. As a fur­ther option, an enga­ge­able hand­wheel assem­bly is avail­able, which enab­les manual move­ment of the actua­tor (inclu­ding spring) even when electri­cally de-ener­gi­sed.



The intel­li­gent func­tio­nal design and high-grade mate­ri­als raise the CM fail­safe actua­tors to a new level of qua­lity. During the design pro­cess, SCHIEBEL paid par­ti­cu­lar atten­tion to ensu­ring that the centre of gra­vity is loca­ted directly above the valve; this has a bene­fi­cial effect in terms of weight dis­tri­bu­tion and assem­bly so that there are no pro­blems with vibra­ti­ons on the piping. Fur­ther­more, the design of the units is very strai­ght­for­ward so they are easy for the end user to under­stand and ope­rate.



With its cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic solu­ti­ons, SCHIEBEL offers all the soft­ware and hard­ware fea­tures that cus­to­mers need for the use of fail­safe actua­tors in their com­pany. Thanks to in-house soft­ware engi­nee­ring – one of SCHIEBEL‘s core com­pe­ten­ces – users can rely on opti­mal hard­ware coor­di­na­tion and advan­ced ser­vice sup­port at all times.



CM actua­tors with fail­safe func­tion com­bine the advan­ta­ges of electric drive and mecha­ni­cal spring. Because of the lack of other tech­no­lo­gies (e.g. hydraulic/pneumatic), as well as the simple design and sophisti­ca­ted soft­ware opti­ons, acci­den­tal errors are redu­ced to a mini­mum, resul­ting in sub­stan­tial cost savings in terms of ope­ra­tion, sto­rage and ser­vicing. In addi­tion, an optio­nal hand­wheel can be inte­gra­ted in the unit.



The low-wear mecha­ni­cal sys­tem with its fru­gal, highly energy-effi­ci­ent electric drive with state-of-the-art power elec­tro­nic modu­les and inte­gra­ted energy-saving elec­tro­nics redu­ces main­ten­ance costs for the user. In addi­tion, SCHIEBEL has inte­gra­ted exten­sive moni­to­ring and dia­gnostic func­tions into its actua­tors. Remote con­trol fea­tures and SCHIEBEL‘s on-site ser­vice gua­ran­tee reli­able ope­ra­tion.



The sophisti­ca­ted Smart­con con­trol sys­tem deve­lo­ped in-house by SCHIEBEL ensu­res strai­ght­for­ward com­mis­sio­ning and simple, reli­able ope­ra­tion. The con­trol unit meets all requi­re­ments rela­ting to digi­ta­li­sa­tion and IoT, as well as pro­vi­ding inter­faces to all major fiel­dbus sys­tems. In addi­tion, the Sin­gle Pair Ether­net fea­ture offers opti­ons for an auxi­li­ary power sup­ply (Power over Data Line).


Modular concept

CM actua­tors with fail­safe func­tion are based on SCHIEBEL‘s pro­ven modu­lar con­cept. The basic modu­lar struc­ture of the actua­tor can be com­bi­ned with a num­ber of dif­fe­rent fail­safe units. To make the selec­tion of the actua­tor as strai­ght­for­ward and user-friendly as pos­si­ble, SCHIEBEL has desi­gned its 3-level con­cept. It has also ensu­red com­pa­ti­bi­lity with a range of dif­fe­rent sup­ply and com­mu­ni­ca­tion net­works. Thanks to this tool, it is now easier than ever to find the right pro­duct for the par­ti­cu­lar app­li­ca­tion.



The fail­safe func­tion ensu­res that the actua­tor is quickly brought into a safe posi­tion in the event of an emer­gency. This is per­for­med by means of a mecha­ni­cally deco­u­pled spring and the­re­fore works even if the electri­cal power sup­ply fails. It is pos­si­ble to cover cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments and pro­blems thanks to the nume­rous opti­ons in terms of ope­ra­tion and para­me­teri­sa­tion. Deve­lo­p­ment acti­vi­ties at SCHIEBEL are always cus­to­mer-ori­en­ted. No mat­ter whe­ther the requi­re­ment is for extre­mely fast posi­tio­ning times or slow move­ment, CM actua­tors with fail­safe func­tion are able to meet these chal­len­ges.


Further info