areas of application

Variety of areas of application for our actuators

Our uni­que port­fo­lio enab­les app­li­ca­ti­ons in nearly every indus­try. With the modu­lar design, our pro­ducts are all-round per­for­mers capa­ble of mee­ting dif­fe­rent requi­re­ments. Each of our actua­tors con­tains an exten­sive inte­gra­ted soft­ware solu­tion that allows fur­ther func­tions to be easily acti­va­ted, even while in ope­ra­tion.

Water & waste water

Our actua­tors are known for their long ser­vice life and have spe­cially trea­ted sur­faces to pro­tect them, espe­cially from cor­ro­sion.

Power plants

Relia­bi­lity is a cru­cial issue in power plant con­struc­tion. We have all the necessary cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons to pro­tect per­son­nel as well as plant com­pon­ents.

Oil & gas

This indus­try loves using our reli­able actua­tors because of their inno­va­tive safety sys­tem and simple main­ten­ance.

District heating

With their inte­gra­ted con­trol sys­tem for remote dia­gno­sis, SCHIEBEL actua­tors are ideal for this sec­tor and can con­trol non-cen­tra­li­zed pro­ces­ses per­fectly.

Tunnel construction

Tun­nel con­struc­tion is a uni­que field. We draw on our exper­tise in per­forming com­plex tasks to deve­lop spe­cial cus­tom solu­ti­ons that meet the spe­ci­fic needs of the cus­to­mer.


SCHIEBEL actua­tors com­ply with all gene­ral and cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic safety cer­ti­fi­ca­tes. We are a reli­able part­ner when it comes to maxi­mum safety.

Steel mills

There are nume­rous com­pon­ents and soft­ware solu­ti­ons avail­able for aug­men­ting our actua­tors in cus­to­mi­zed ways. This enab­les their safe deploy­ment world­wide.


With their low weight, com­pact design and Inter­net-based bus sys­tems via inter­faces, our pro­ducts can be used even in con­fi­ned spaces.

Ship building

Smart design and high-qua­lity mate­ri­als incre­ase the ser­vice life and no-main­ten­ance ope­ra­tion of our actua­tors many times over.

You can find a selec­tion of our refe­rence pro­jects here.

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