
We will help you fur­ther

Solving problems quickly
and efficiently

Our ser­vices pro­vide of sup­port and spe­cia­lists advice in various areas, such as repairs, main­ten­ance, on-site ser­vices or tele­phone cus­to­mer sup­port. Our aim is to solve your pro­blems quickly and effi­ci­ently.

24/7 availability

Our ser­vice is avail­able at any time, even on public holi­days. Our cus­to­mers receive a 24/7 sup­port, which enab­les con­ti­nuous assi­s­tance and fast pro­blem sol­ving. You can reach us at the fol­lowing email:

Remote Services

Thanks to our Smart­tool Soft­ware we can offer remote main­ten­ance. This requi­res a lap­top with SMARTTOOL and a sta­ble inter­net con­nec­tion. Due to our in-house pro­gram­med firm­ware we are able to store important data about the ope­ra­tion of the actua­tor, which is essen­tial for a quick pro­blem sol­ving.

Our on-site service

In each of our SCHIEBEL bran­ches, a trai­ned team of ser­vice spe­cia­lists is ready for every assign­ment.
The majo­rity of our inter­na­tio­nal sales part­ners, who have already com­ple­ted our ser­vice trai­ning cour­ses, com­ple­ment our glo­bal local sup­port.

Service worldwide

Ser­vice world­wide inclu­des inter­na­tio­nal ser­vices regard­less of bor­ders. All our part­ners enable con­sis­tent sup­port and pro­blem sol­ving solu­ti­ons across time zones.

our service team!

Get in touch today