job offers

Working at SCHIEBEL

Our col­la­bo­ra­tion with cus­to­mers is solu­tion-ori­en­ted. That means well-trai­ned and highly moti­va­ted employees are essen­tial. We like to invest in ongo­ing basic and con­ti­nuing trai­ning but are also mind­ful of ensu­ring a good work-life balance for our employees.
Our faci­lity in Vienna (23rd district) is see­king indi­vi­du­als to fill the fol­lowing posi­ti­ons immedia­tely (ger­man know­ledge and working per­mit are pre­re­qui­si­tes)

Pro­ceed to our ger­man home­page to see all job ope­nings.

Job Ope­nings ››


Hardware developer for electronics and power electronics (m/f/d)

Technical designer for mechanical engineering (m/f/d)

Software and firmware developer (m/f/d)

Validation test engineer

IoT & cloud development engineer (m/f/d)

Quality engineer


Assembly aid

CNC programmer in shift operation

Skilled worker in assembly (m/f/d)


Technical support

Assistant to the Management (m/f/d)

Support technical purchasing (m/f/d)

Apprenticeship positions

We have been lea­ders in the manu­fac­tu­ring and deve­lo­p­ment of electri­cal actua­tors for 60 years. By com­bi­ning the latest tech­no­lo­gies with excel­lent qua­lity, we have suc­cess­fully estab­lis­hed our­sel­ves on the inter­na­tio­nal mar­ket in recent deca­des.


Are you moti­va­ted, ambi­tious and eager to learn? Would you like to be part of our suc­cess? Then our com­pany is the right place for you!

Logistics clerk

Mechanical engineer

Metal technician/ Machining technician

Technical illustrator

Industrial clerk