
tra­di­tio­nal & robust

The AB actuator ideal for robust use

The AB series is the tra­di­tio­nal pro­duct and is being used with great suc­cess by satis­fied cus­to­mers across the globe. This pro­duct series is con­stantly being fur­ther deve­lo­ped and opti­mi­zed for the widest variety of app­li­ca­ti­ons. The highly robust con­struc­tion of these actua­tors also makes them the top choice for heavy-duty app­li­ca­ti­ons. Tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions are always inte­gra­ted into the AB series, so it is always state of the art.


With their dura­bi­lity and relia­bi­lity, the electri­cal actua­tors from the AB series cater to all users loo­king for strong per­for­mance and unsur­pas­sed robust­ness. The top-qua­lity com­pon­ents manu­fac­tu­red at SCHIEBEL ensure these cha­rac­te­ris­tics and are generously dimen­sio­ned to allow very high tor­que. The con­fi­gu­ra­tion is strictly mecha­ni­cal, so tor­que is pre­cisely recor­ded even during con­trol pro­ces­ses. With their enor­mous power reser­ves, these actua­tors can cover a mul­ti­tude of heavy-duty app­li­ca­ti­ons in power sta­tion tech­no­logy, the oil and natu­ral gas indus­try, the steel indus­try and many other sec­tors.



The AB series is con­struc­ted intel­li­gently and fle­xi­bly to meet any spe­cial requi­re­ment. The robust and resi­li­ent actua­tor com­pon­ents are amply dimen­sio­ned to maxi­mize dura­bi­lity. In designing them, SCHIEBEL paid close atten­tion to pro­vi­ding suf­fi­ci­ent space for inte­gra­ting addi­tio­nal com­pon­ents, so any cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic solu­ti­ons can be imple­men­ted trou­ble-free. Con­fi­gu­ra­tion is very strai­ght­for­ward – it is simple to under­stand and to use.



The inge­nious mecha­ni­cal design opens up a broad variety of func­tions and opti­ons. A fail­safe fea­ture can be inte­gra­ted in the AB actua­tors at the request of the cus­to­mer. This gua­ran­tees that the actua­tor is quickly moved to a safe posi­tion in emer­gency situa­tions. Since the safety stroke is trig­ge­red mecha­ni­cally by means of a deco­u­pled spring, it also works in the event of a power fail­ure.


For cer­tain app­li­ca­ti­ons, induc­tive pro­xi­mity swit­ches can be incor­po­ra­ted ins­tead of simple mecha­ni­cal swit­ches. The actua­tor can be deli­ve­red with an ex-proof con­trol­ler in a pres­sure-resistant enclo­sure, enab­ling trou­ble-free use in areas with hydro­gen where an IIC gas clas­si­fi­ca­tion is requi­red under the ATEX direc­ti­ves. Thanks to this and many fur­ther opti­ons, the AB series actua­tors can be adap­ted to meet vir­tually any cus­to­mer request. AB actua­tors attain a safety inte­grity level of SIL-2; if fit­ted with the fail­safe func­tion, SIL-3. In addi­tion, SCHIEBEL has inte­gra­ted a direct-acting hand wheel as stan­dard equip­ment.



The reli­able con­trol design in the AB series allows the use of mecha­ni­cal or elec­tro­nic rever­sing con­ta­c­tors. Moreo­ver, the actua­tors can be equip­ped for use in a wide variety of clam­ping sys­tems. That means SCHIEBEL AB actua­tors can also cover app­li­ca­ti­ons in plant net­works with clam­ping sys­tems or levels that are rarely used. As an option, the actua­tors can be fit­ted with a fre­quency con­ver­ter, allowing them to be used as high-tor­que con­ti­nual linear actua­tors with a high cycle num­ber.



A spe­cial inno­va­tion from SCHIEBEL is the con­cept of the dou­ble con­trol­ler moun­ted directly on the actua­tor. This fea­ture eli­mi­na­tes the need for a con­trol cabi­net situa­ted sepa­r­ately from the actua­tor, because all swit­ching and con­trol com­pon­ents are moun­ted directly on the actua­tor. In this power class, the dou­ble con­trol­ler is avail­able for actua­tors in the AB series only.


In terms of ope­ra­tion, the AB series adhe­res to the most modern princi­ples. The Smart­con con­trol­ler deve­lo­ped in-house at SCHIEBEL ensu­res user-friendly start-up and easy, reli­able ope­ra­tion. The Smart­con con­trol­ler natu­rally meets all digi­tiz­a­tion and IoT requi­re­ments and, where nee­ded, pro­vi­des inter­faces with all important field buses.



In all its deve­lo­p­ment efforts, SCHIEBEL always has the cus­to­mer and ser­vicing in mind. The wear-resistant mecha­ni­cal sys­tem with its eco­no­mi­cal electric actua­tor effi­ci­ently redu­ces main­ten­ance costs for the user. Com­pre­hen­sive moni­to­ring and dia­gnostic func­tions have been inte­gra­ted into the actua­tors. Remote con­trol fea­tures and SCHIEBEL on-site ser­vice
ensure reli­able ope­ra­tion.


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