who we are

Traditional foundation for state-of-the-art success

With tech­ni­cal inno­va­tions and a keen sense of what cus­to­mers need, Klaus Schie­bel has trans­for­med his family-owned com­pany in Vienna from a regio­nal mecha­ni­cal engi­nee­ring firm into an inter­na­tio­nal active tech­no­logy com­pany.

Backed by our own offices and more than 30 dis­tri­bu­tion part­ners, we cur­r­ently attend to cus­to­mers and pro­jects in more than 50 coun­tries all over the world and pro­vide secure jobs for more than 100 employees.

All SCHIEBEL pro­ducts are deve­lo­ped and pro­du­ced at our com­pany head­quar­ters in Vienna. This ensu­res unsur­pas­sed qua­lity and adhe­rence to all safety stan­dards.

A new era

The rise in glo­bal demand for our actua­tors was the impe­tus for us to expand our pro­duc­tion capa­ci­ties and put the com­pany on a new course.

We moder­ni­zed our offices, built a fully auto­ma­ted wareh­ouse and inves­ted exten­si­vely in our machinery, ther­eby lay­ing the ground­work for fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment pro­jects. In par­al­lel, we are making great stri­des in digi­ti­zing the com­pany.


One of our strengths is to deve­lop new inno­va­tions that always keep us a step ahead of the over­all mar­ket. Our deve­lo­p­ment work focu­ses on user-friendly tech­no­logy, high qua­lity, safety, and appe­aling design.

The uni­que SCHIEBEL fail­safe tech­no­logy, in par­ti­cu­lar, is a favo­rite for use in sen­si­tive app­li­ca­ti­ons.

All SCHIEBEL pro­ducts can be expan­ded quickly and trou­ble-free with the already inte­gra­ted soft­ware. This approach is less sus­cep­ti­ble to errors and more eco­no­mi­cal.


Customer focus

We work very inten­si­vely and clo­sely with our cus­to­mers, as they they know best what they need. To achieve opti­mum out­co­mes, each side brings its exper­tise to bear in the deve­lo­p­ment pro­cess.

Prio­rity is given to cus­to­mi­zed solu­ti­ons that gua­ran­tee the cus­to­mer maxi­mum safety and relia­bi­lity as well as fle­xi­bi­lity.

This col­la­bo­ra­tion with our cus­to­mers has for­ged long-stan­ding busi­ness rela­ti­ons­hips and given rise to count­less inno­va­tive solu­ti­ons.



In pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment, we work hard to advance the intel­li­gent net­wor­king of mecha­tro­nic sys­tems. Our cen­ter of com­pe­tence spe­cia­li­zes in per­fec­ting IoT con­cepts and con­stantly tests new cloud solu­ti­ons and WLAN stan­dards. Thanks to sup­port from a mul­ti­tude of rele­vant field bus sys­tems, our solu­ti­ons can be inte­gra­ted into a wide variety of con­trol sys­tems.

One of the focal points of our R&D is pre­dic­tive main­ten­ance. It iden­ti­fies poten­tial pro­blems in advance and points out ways of resol­ving them.

Our inter­nal efforts are con­cen­tra­ted on digi­ti­zing our pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses, pushing the use of robots and imple­men­ting various tools and new work methods to immerse our­sel­ves in pro­gress.

Our corporate social responsibility

As an Aus­trian com­pany, we let our every action be gui­ded by our respon­si­bi­lity to society and the envi­ron­ment as an employer, indus­trial com­pany and trai­ner.

Apprentices and interns

We have been trai­ning appren­ti­ces for dif­fe­rent occup­a­ti­ons for more than 30 years. As a family-owned com­pany, the future of young people is a mat­ter close to our hearts. The Aus­trian Eco­no­mic Cham­ber (WKO) has named us a top-qua­lity trai­ning com­pany for the second time in suc­ces­sion. In 2020 we expan­ded our range of attrac­tive appren­ti­ce­ship occup­a­ti­ons as a valu­able con­tri­bu­tion towards hel­ping the Aus­trian eco­nomy reco­ver after the COVID-19 pan­de­mic.

Women in technology

Women com­prise twenty per­cent of our work­force. We are stri­ving to make trai­ning in tech­ni­cal occup­a­ti­ons attrac­tive to young women in order to boost the per­cen­tage of women in these fields even more. In reco­gni­tion of our efforts to train young women, we were awar­ded the ama­zon Award in 2015 by Sprung­brett, an asso­cia­tion dedi­ca­ted to impro­ving oppor­tu­nities for girls and young women. Equal pay is not a mere slo­gan at our com­pany – it is rea­lity.

People with special needs

Sup­por­ting and encou­ra­ging people with spe­cial needs is equally important to us. We employ people with com­mu­ni­ca­tion disa­bi­li­ties. On their behalf, we are encou­ra­ging the use of sign lan­guage with their col­leagues.


People inspire tech­no­logy, and so we are con­vin­ced that team-buil­ding fos­ters inspi­ra­tion and inno­va­tion. Ever­yone is wel­come at our com­pany – regard­less of ori­gin, gen­der, sexual ori­en­ta­tion or age. From the hiring pro­cess onward, we make every effort to find a sui­ta­ble place wit­hin the orga­niz­a­tion for our employees to give them the best pos­si­ble pre­re­qui­si­tes for pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment.


As an Aus­trian com­pany, we focus on crea­ting regio­nal value and col­la­bo­rate mostly with Aus­trian part­ners. We take steps to pro­tect the envi­ron­ment whe­re­ver we can. One example is our use of pho­to­vol­taic sys­tems to pro­duce energy.

Science and research

Our col­la­bo­ra­tion with selec­ted uni­ver­si­ties enab­les stu­dents to work with us on prac­ti­cal pro­jects and gives us an addi­tio­nal way of rese­ar­ching state-of-the-art pro­ducts and soft­ware solu­ti­ons.


Safety is a prio­rity across the board. Actua­tors form part of highly com­plex, sen­si­tive sys­tems and must con­tri­bute to their safety. SCHIEBEL actua­tors are manu­fac­tu­red to com­ply with dif­fe­rent use-based safety levels so they can satisfy wha­te­ver demands are pla­ced on them. The per­son­nel also recei­ves ongo­ing and inten­sive trai­ning on pro­fes­sio­nal instal­la­tion, com­mis­sio­ning and main­ten­ance. That way we incre­ase safety for humans and machi­nes.

Inter­na­tio­nal EX cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons
SIL manufacturer’s veri­fi­ca­tion
Coun­try-spe­ci­fic cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons
Cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons
Nuclear cer­ti­fi­ca­tion

Quality management

Com­plete and com­pre­hen­sive qua­lity con­trol is a mat­ter of course for us: No pro­duct lea­ves the pro­duc­tion area without under­go­ing pre­cise tes­ting. With this approach, we can also gua­ran­tee a high level of safe use and mini­mal main­ten­ance costs.

ISO 9001 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion
ISO 45001 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion
ISO 14001 cer­ti­fi­ca­tion