firmware 1.600

Customer experience at its best.

Customized user interface

  • Up to 8 cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic user levels
  • User rele­vant per­mis­si­ons– from read-only per­mis­sion for selec­ted data all the way to exten­sive per­mis­sion to set para­me­ters
  • Pre­ven­tion of unin­ten­ded actions
  • Pro­tec­tion from making acci­den­tal ope­ra­ting errors
  • Change of menu style by each user

Extended history function

  • 500 history func­tion ent­ries – five times more than in the pre­vious ver­sion
  • Detailed infor­ma­tion on back­ups, pass­word chan­ges, para­me­ter chan­ges, dele­tion of history Saved tog­e­ther for each user pro­file
  • New level of user fle­xi­bi­lity in respect to error and warning messages.
  • Error mes­sage for­war­ding immedia­tely to the SMARTTOOL soft­ware with auto­ma­tic assi­s­tance in loca­ting and reme­dy­ing the error.

Troubleshooting performance

  • 16 addi­tio­nal warnings for feed­back to binary out­puts
  • Dif­fe­rent warnings and fail­u­res can be logi­cally grou­ped tog­e­ther and used as binary out­put signals
  • Input signals can be logi­cally grou­ped tog­e­ther like a 2 out of 2 voter to incre­ase sys­tem per­for­mance
  • SMARTTOOL, the tool for remote main­ten­ance and asset history and advan­ced trou­ble­shoo­ting
  • Full remote access to all para­me­ters (read/write) through bus com­mu­ni­ca­tion such as Ether­net IP, Mod­bus TCP, Mod­bus RTU, Pro­fi­net and Pro­fi­bus.

Expanded backup options

  • 4 new dif­fe­rent backup opti­ons
  • Indi­vi­dual set up of backup requi­re­ments
  • Con­sis­tent stra­tegy of user levels for a backup into the func­tions “Save” and “Res­tore.”

Invertible LCD display

  • The abso­lute novelty in the indus­try – the dark dis­play
  • Easier to read in direct sun­light
  • Reor­ga­ni­zed and expan­ded dis­play of the gra­phic user inter­face

Separated operating unit

  • Ideal for actua­tors instal­led in hard-to-access areas below the ground
  • Ope­ra­ting unit pro­vi­des full access and visua­liz­a­tion capa­bi­li­ties on the actua­tor
  • Con­sis­tency on user level stra­tegy on addi­tio­nal remote con­trol unit as well as full access to all para­me­ters
  • Intro­du­ced in con­nec­tion with the new Firm­ware 1600

Further info