
one inter­face makes it all

Smartcon for smart control

Smart­con is a modern, reli­able and ver­sa­tile con­trol sys­tem that pro­vi­des valu­able infor­ma­tion about the inte­gra­ted actua­tor tech­no­logy. Initi­ally deve­lo­ped to com­bine aspects such as user friend­li­ness, fle­xi­bi­lity and relia­bi­lity in a sin­gle con­trol sys­tem, it has been opti­mi­zed over the years with nume­rous addi­tio­nal fea­tures but its fun­da­men­tal vir­tues remain totally intact.


To ensure easy, error-free working with the con­trol sys­tem, SCHIEBEL has paid great atten­tion to the hap­tics of the unit. For example, it is pos­si­ble to ope­rate the sys­tem in the field using swit­ches in any envi­ron­ment even with PPE. Users are able to rely on visual feed­back about the switch posi­tion just as much as on the LED dis­plays in the case of para­me­ter chan­ges. If an error occurs, a red back­light is immedia­tely visi­ble on the LC dis­play.



Thanks to the Smart­con con­trol sys­tem, SCHIEBEL electric actua­tors are highly intel­li­gent units – and not just in terms of faults and trou­ble­shoo­ting. With Smartcon‘s inte­gra­ted infra­red and Blue­tooth tech­no­logy, as well as its menu-gui­ded, pro­ject-ori­en­ted soft­ware tools, para­me­teri­sa­tion in the field during com­mis­sio­ning is extre­mely simple and reli­able. And the same app­lies when it comes to energy-effi­ci­ent ope­ra­tion, which is ensu­red by the BLDC motor con­trol on CM dri­ves with low power loss as a result of per­fectly inte­gra­ted hard­ware and soft­ware inter­ac­tion.



In line with the trend towards com­pre­hen­sive net­wor­king, the open pro­to­col struc­tures in the soft­ware and con­trol sys­tem can be inte­gra­ted into exis­ting cus­to­mer sys­tems. The impact of Indus­try 4.0 is evi­dent and inter­faces are avail­able to a large num­ber of serial and TCP-based fiel­dbus sys­tems, inclu­ding Pro­fi­bus, Mod­bus RTU, Mod­bus TCP, Ethernet/IP, Device­NET, Ether­net Power­link and HART pro­to­col, which can be selec­ted accord­ing to cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. The sys­tem meets all the chal­len­ges of IoT. A spe­cial fea­ture at SCHIEBEL is that the SMARTCON con­trol sys­tem is used on all actua­tors – this ensu­res that the local user always works with the same con­trol sys­tem, regard­less of the app­li­ca­tion.



The Smart­con con­trol sys­tem is impres­si­vely fle­xi­ble, not just in terms of its menu navi­ga­tion and the various lan­guages – it can also be upgraded in the field. Since upgrading does not require any change in the hard­ware, soft­ware opti­ons can sim­ply be uploa­ded by means of a code. Ongo­ing firm­ware upgrades make the con­trol sys­tem future-proof. In addi­tion, all set­tings can be selec­ted non-intru­si­vely.


A core com­pe­tence at SCHIEBEL is its own deve­lo­p­ment of smart tool soft­ware. As the hard­ware and firm­ware engi­nee­ring is also car­ried out in-house, per­fect coor­di­na­tion in all aspects is gua­ran­teed for spe­cial cus­to­mer requi­re­ments. To be able to meet the requi­re­ments of dif­fe­rent sec­tors, SCHIEBEL is con­stantly expan­ding its port­fo­lio of spe­ci­fic soft­ware func­tions.

User friendliness

SCHIEBEL has inte­gra­ted two varia­ble, cus­to­mer-selec­ta­ble ope­ra­ting phi­lo­so­phies into its con­trol sys­tem, which dif­fer in terms of menu navi­ga­tion and are based on the per­so­nal pre­fe­ren­ces of the user. In both vari­ants, the menu navi­ga­tion of the con­trol sys­tem is intui­tive and ensu­res that the indi­vi­dual func­tions are clearly reco­gnis­able at all times. In addi­tion, Smart­con com­mu­ni­ca­tes in a wide range of cus­to­mer lan­guages, inclu­ding Ger­man, Eng­lish, Ita­lian, French, Rus­sian, Chi­nese and many others. In the case of spe­cial app­li­ca­ti­ons, the con­trol sys­tem can also be desi­gned as an ope­ra­ting unit sepa­rate from the actua­tor.



Secu­rity is of par­ti­cu­lar impor­t­ance in the world of IoT. To pro­tect the con­trol sys­tem from unaut­ho­ri­sed access, SCHIEBEL uses Blue­tooth com­mu­ni­ca­tion and pass­word pro­tec­tion. A sophisti­ca­ted multi-level sys­tem of dif­fe­rent user levels ensu­res that visi­bi­lity and para­me­teri­sa­tion are avail­able only to aut­ho­ri­sed users. In addi­tion, SCHIEBEL has pro­vi­ded for the instal­la­tion mecha­ni­cal locking opti­ons.

Operating data acquisition

The inte­gra­ted and wide-ran­ging acqui­si­tion of ope­ra­ting and ser­vice-rele­vant data effec­tively sup­ports cus­to­mers in the plan­ning and imple­men­ta­tion of pre­ven­tive main­ten­ance mea­su­res and thus also con­tri­bu­tes to long-term secure and sta­ble ope­ra­tion. Here, too, inte­gra­tion into cus­to­mer sys­tems is pos­si­ble thanks to the open pro­to­col struc­tures.


In the History sta­tus menu, events are con­ti­nuously time-stamp log­ged and stored. Using SCHIEBEL soft­ware, up to 100 events can be tra­cked and dis­played.

Binary Outputs

The dis­play of the eight binary feed­backs (freely pro­gramm- able) pro­vi­des infor­ma­tion about com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the con­trol unit.

Binary Inputs

Dis­play of five binary inputs (freely para­me­teriz­able), wher­eby the con­trol unit repres­ents inco­m­ing move­ment com­mands with 1 ins­tead of 0.

Analogue Values

Dis­play of the ana­log 0/4–20-mA inputs and of the ana­log feed- backs from and to the con­trol unit.

Absolut Values

Dis­play of the abso­lute and rela­tive values for posi­ti­ons and tor­ques.


Dis­play of firm­ware (soft­ware ver­sion), inclu­ding date.

Serial Number

Dis­play of the serial num­ber of elec­tro­nics, actua­tor and con­trol unit.

Counter Values

Powe­rOn cycles: How often has the actua­tor been tur­ned on and off? Ope­ra­ting hours: Actua­tor under live vol­tage Motor run time: Motor in motion.

Further info